Be Aware Of Thatched Roof Maintenance

Thatched Roof Maintenance

Maintenance is essential for any type of roof but when it comes to thatched roof maintenance, the importance cannot be stressed enough. 

This beautiful and age-old type of roof is often used for its aesthetic value and is also a popular choice owing to how well it insulates a home in both hot and cold weather. 

When a thatched roof is properly installed, it becomes a very strong and stable structure that’s easily able to resist things like wind. However, over time, these types of roofs will need some TLC.

In this post, I’m going to talk about the various elements of thatched roof maintenance as well as why each job is so important. If you’ve been thinking about having some work done to your thatched roof then it’s always a good idea to call in the pros to ensure that everything is done to the highest standard. 

Why It’s Important To Maintain Your Thatched Roof

We all love our homes and want them to look and perform as best as possible. However, without correct maintenance on your thatched roof, it will quickly fall to ruin. 

Thatched roofs, when well taken care of, could last up to 40 or even 50 years. Although the roof ridge generally needs to be replaced around once every ten years. If you don’t maintain your roof then it simply won’t stand the test of time. 

Many people find that their thatched roof becomes infested with pets when they aren’t well maintained. Moreover, the longer a thatched roof goes without repairs, the worse it will perform against the elements. It may develop leaks and parts of it may become loose in strong winds or even blow away entirely. 

Knowing When To Perform Maintenance On A Thatched Roof

Having a thatched roof comes with the responsibility of knowing when it’s time to repair the roof or simply have it replaced. 

When you notice that your thatched roof has been continually leaking or the thatch has been consistently shedding then you will want to call a thatcher to fix the problem. However, if they are unable to then it might be time to replace the entire roof.

Sometimes, people are tempted to replace their thatched roof when it begins to look a little tired and worn. But in most cases, this really isn’t necessary. In fact, all it usually takes is a thatcher to come in and perform some repairs and your roof will be looking as good as new.

You may also find that wildlife, such as birds, will cause damage to your thatched roof but in most cases, this won’t require a whole roof replacement – just a few choice repairs. 

Elements Of Thatched Roof Maintenance

In order to get the longest life out of your thatched roof, it’s really important to pay close attention to those maintenance jobs. Whether you decide to do the work yourself or hire someone else to do it, the following are some of the most important elements of thatched roof maintenance.

Cleaning The Roof

A lot of roof cleaning involves pressure washers, strong cleaning solutions and electrical equipment but when it comes to cleaning a thatched roof, the work needs to be done by hand. 

It is possible to use a rake which will allow you to remove any moss, leaves or other debris. It’s important to keep in mind that if this aspect of the work isn’t done properly, there is a risk of damage to the roof.

Maintain The Surrounding Area

Many people think that looking after their thatched roof requires paying attention only to the roof but this isn’t the case. In fact, you need to make sure that any nearby trees, shrubs and other foliage is kept in check to avoid the roof becoming too wet. 

While tree cover adds privacy and shelter to your home, it can also stop the sun and wind from drying out a thatched roof as quickly which can lead to problems with damp and fungus. So, be sure to regularly prune greenery around your home. 

Algae Growth

Another thing that can stop your thatched roof from drying properly is algae which will form given the right conditions (nutrients, light, moisture and warmth are all required.)

However, it’s easy to control algae growth on your thatched roof simply by using an algaecide product which can be sprayed over the roof. 

These products are really easy to apply and once done, it could improve the lifespan of your roof by up to a decade!

Be Vigilant For Damage

It’s very easy to damage a thatched roof if you aren’t careful. If you ever need to have tradespeople working on your house then be sure that they’re aware of how to complete the work without damaging your thatch. 

What’s more, it’s worth regularly checking the roof for signs of damage because, the sooner you tend to it, the easier it will be to fix.

Should You Maintain Your Thatched Roof Yourself?

Most of the jobs I have talked about in this guide can easily be performed by a homeowner such as cleaning and preventing algae. If you’re comfortable undertaking these jobs yourself then it’s a great way to save money on labour costs. That said, some people aren’t as confident in this and in these cases, it’s perfectly acceptable to hire a company to do the work for you. 

But when it comes to thatched roof repairs, I would strongly recommend hiring a professional. This type of work requires a level of skill and training which not all homeowners possess. 

If you attempt to repair a thatched roof and get it wrong then this could result in even more costly repairs. What’s more, there is a risk that this could void your building insurance. 

Final Thoughts

If you are a homeowner or building owner with a thatched roof, it is important to be aware of the maintenance required to preserve its beauty and functionality. Regular inspection, cleaning, and repair can prevent costly damage and ensure that your roof lasts for many years to come.

By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you can enjoy the unique charm of a thatched roof while also keeping it in good condition. Remember to seek professional help when necessary and to take proactive measures to protect your roof from potential hazards such as fire and pests. With proper maintenance, your thatched roof can continue to provide a safe and attractive shelter for you and your loved ones.

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